Players have found a way to make all mobs on all floors of Tower to be lured to a monster that can be summoned in the starting zone. Players can use an item from the Sai Raid to summon a ghost that does not disappear near the Key NPC, which causes all enemies in tower of ordeals to not aggro to the player. Is this abuse? Exploitation? Should there be a penalty for players who abused this to progress tower?

User Suggestions

14 day IP, Hardware, and Account ban. They clearly knew they were performing an exploit.

Banimento de 14 dias de IP, hardware e conta. Eles claramente sabiam que estavam explorando uma falha.

Agree (32)
Character Name Play Time Stored Level Whale Score
Ronan 33331 668 🐳🖨️💴💷💵💶💴💷💵💶
ShinySylveon 825 518 🐳🖨️💴💷💵💶💴💷💵💶
Flamminggo 293227 1354 🐳🖨️💴💷💵💶💴💷💵💶
Tinkerbell 524553 979 🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦
Tsuba 105504 1456 🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦
Sagittarius 101439 980 🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦
EriickBK 524396 660 🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦
Medic 524347 1175 🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦
OneForAll 63871 923 💰💰💰💰💰
BBQPringles 161099 1099 💰💰💰💰💰
Fezin 524721 638 💶💶💶💶
Anomaly 15194 892 💶💶💶💶
Irislene 8148 434 💵💵💵
Caos 216675 343 💵💵💵
Oracle 9747 4317 💵💵💵
Dark 19497 249 💵💵💵
Deuso 11705 979 💵💵💵
Miridia 47884 164 💷💷
iSyn 110575 1167 💷💷
BaldaoMago 35742 609 💷💷
Lilly 67307 1175 💷💷
Pacifist 11443 571 💷💷
xPoporing 10601 249 💷💷
Hanabii 258985 249 💷💷
SequelaFyah 524338 659 💴
WolfsHunter 524533 908 💴
JuviaLockser 7773 793 💴
Mitsurai 98155 343 💴
Gemada 24601 143
Yanfeir 56212 246
Crona 143958 975
Carolis 207416 246

Disagree (13)
Character Name Play Time Stored Level Whale Score
NoPanic 15351 1186 🐋🐋🐋🐋🐋🐋🐋
Suiyun 524515 1075 💵💵💵
Gaonzada 95312 1151 💵💵💵
CriticalGunman 3372 795 💵💵💵
Miziara 40477 430 💷💷
ShimasuTia 20384 794 💷💷
Hazus 116988 523 💷💷
fabao 313344 433 💷💷
Engenhedna 837 1
HighDamage 80753 321
Ceria 280 1
NotPhoMe 121837 522
Mariu 305586 157

account wipe

Agree (27)
Character Name Play Time Stored Level Whale Score
Ronan 33331 668 🐳🖨️💴💷💵💶💴💷💵💶
ShinySylveon 825 518 🐳🖨️💴💷💵💶💴💷💵💶
Flamminggo 293227 1354 🐳🖨️💴💷💵💶💴💷💵💶
NoPanic 15351 1186 🐋🐋🐋🐋🐋🐋🐋
EriickBK 524396 660 🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦
Medic 524347 1175 🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦
OneForAll 63871 923 💰💰💰💰💰
Fezin 524721 638 💶💶💶💶
Irislene 8148 434 💵💵💵
Gaonzada 95312 1151 💵💵💵
CriticalGunman 3372 795 💵💵💵
Dark 19497 249 💵💵💵
BaldaoMago 35742 609 💷💷
Miziara 40477 430 💷💷
ShimasuTia 20384 794 💷💷
Hazus 116988 523 💷💷
Pacifist 11443 571 💷💷
fabao 313344 433 💷💷
Hanabii 258985 249 💷💷
SequelaFyah 524338 659 💴
mathiasryan 475712 704 💴
Mitsurai 98155 343 💴
Alexandre 70025 1
Engenhedna 837 1
HighDamage 80753 321
Mariu 305586 157
Yanfeir 56212 246

Disagree (12)
Character Name Play Time Stored Level Whale Score
Tinkerbell 524553 979 🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦
Tsuba 105504 1456 🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦
MysticYuki 82941 1169 💰💰💰💰💰
Oracle 9747 4317 💵💵💵
Miridia 47884 164 💷💷
iSyn 110575 1167 💷💷
PrincesaDaLuz 27132 1358 💷💷
Lilly 67307 1175 💷💷
xPoporing 10601 249 💷💷
Adriano 31787 1359 💴
Ceria 280 1
NotPhoMe 121837 522

Remove all tower achievements from the player, remove the tower items (keys, rebirths),  reset experience earned (maybe to lvl 70?); remove the titles; warn player; And also, of course, change the item to not work in tower.

Remova todas as conquistas da torre do jogador, remova os itens da torre (chaves, RB's), resete a experiência ganha (talvez para o nível 70?); remova os títulos; Dê um warning ao jogador; E também, claro, altere o item para não funcionar em torre.

Agree (11)
Character Name Play Time Stored Level Whale Score
Tsuba 105504 1456 🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦
MysticYuki 82941 1169 💰💰💰💰💰
Fezin 524721 638 💶💶💶💶
Hatsune 116164 977 💶💶💶💶
menoko 524319 880 💶💶💶💶
iMonstxrz 313495 979 💵💵💵
PrincesaDaLuz 27132 1358 💷💷
Lilly 67307 1175 💷💷
Adriano 31787 1359 💴
SequelaFyah 524338 659 💴
Ceria 280 1

Disagree (8)
Character Name Play Time Stored Level Whale Score
NoPanic 15351 1186 🐋🐋🐋🐋🐋🐋🐋
EriickBK 524396 660 🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦
Gaonzada 95312 1151 💵💵💵
iSyn 110575 1167 💷💷
xPoporing 10601 249 💷💷
Mitsurai 98155 343 💴
Crona 143958 975
Carolis 207416 246

Change character to lv 1 with 1rb, and remove all achievements related to 1rb+, but leave all items. Also, use this punishment as a warning and the next one will be an account wipe.

Mudar o personagem para lv 1 com 1rb, e remover todas conquistas relacionadas ao 1rb+, porem deixar os items. Use essa punição como um aviso, e que a próxima seja “account wipe”

Agree (3)
Character Name Play Time Stored Level Whale Score
Fezin 524721 638 💶💶💶💶
iSyn 110575 1167 💷💷
SequelaFyah 524338 659 💴

Disagree (8)
Character Name Play Time Stored Level Whale Score
NoPanic 15351 1186 🐋🐋🐋🐋🐋🐋🐋
Tsuba 105504 1456 🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦
Suiyun 524515 1075 💵💵💵
Gaonzada 95312 1151 💵💵💵
Miridia 47884 164 💷💷
ShimasuTia 20384 794 💷💷
mathiasryan 475712 704 💴
Yanfeir 56212 246

No action - they were innocent?

Nenhuma ação - eles eram inocentes?

Agree (0)
Character Name Play Time Stored Level Whale Score

Disagree (24)
Character Name Play Time Stored Level Whale Score
Flamminggo 293227 1354 🐳🖨️💴💷💵💶💴💷💵💶
NoPanic 15351 1186 🐋🐋🐋🐋🐋🐋🐋
Tsuba 105504 1456 🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦
EriickBK 524396 660 🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦
Medic 524347 1175 🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦
Fezin 524721 638 💶💶💶💶
Suiyun 524515 1075 💵💵💵
Gaonzada 95312 1151 💵💵💵
Oracle 9747 4317 💵💵💵
iSyn 110575 1167 💷💷
BaldaoMago 35742 609 💷💷
ShimasuTia 20384 794 💷💷
Pacifist 11443 571 💷💷
xPoporing 10601 249 💷💷
SequelaFyah 524338 659 💴
WolfsHunter 524533 908 💴
JuviaLockser 7773 793 💴
Mitsurai 98155 343 💴
Engenhedna 837 1
Ceria 280 1
Mariu 305586 157
Yanfeir 56212 246
Crona 143958 975
Carolis 207416 246