Should A.S. items be returned to the Pepe Apple?

User Suggestions

Transforma o AS da maça em Soldin do mesmo jeito que esta o item fortificado e add

Agree (19)
Character Name Play Time Stored Level Whale Score
Rainho 153579 979 🐳🖨️💴💷💵💶💴💷💵💶
Mizore 103917 979 🐋🐋🐋🐋🐋🐋🐋
Tinkerbell 524553 979 🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦
Medic 524347 1175 🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦
Panda 64915 775 💰💰💰💰💰
SenpaiLime 7831 524 💰💰💰💰💰
Arien 5572 974 💰💰💰💰💰
Lidojase 524358 981 💵💵💵
StormArrow 101146 978 💵💵💵
Catsz 15059 977 💵💵💵
Gosmenta 20878 976 💵💵💵
Baji 524344 324 💵💵💵
Edna 522938 1072 💵💵💵
BaldaoMago 35742 609 💷💷
Cacetinho 190938 249 💷💷
Falha 142151 979 💷💷
Gunnr 524297 342 💴
zKiwer157 17275 1261 💴
Alezinho 2303 160 💴

Disagree (7)
Character Name Play Time Stored Level Whale Score
zCarliNNN 68692 255 🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦
EriickBK 524396 660 🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦
OneForAll 63871 923 💰💰💰💰💰
Cambr 38140 1167 💵💵💵
Dissa 418776 434 💵💵💵
Stuck 26313 978 💷💷
WolfsHunter 524533 908 💴

stop putting edited items in the game like the golden apple and items that give 1k status and FOCUS more on fixing the game so we no longer have login problems and "fatal" crashes that close the game out of nowhere, this Lunia should be Lunia Classic , not Reborn 2.0

parar de ficar colocando itens editado no jogo como a maçã dourada e itens que dão 1k de status e FOCAR mais em arrumar o jogo para não tenhamos mais problemas de login e "fatal" que fecha o jogo do nada, esse Lunia deveria ser Lunia Classic, não Reborn 2.0

Anonymous Monkey
Agree (5)
Character Name Play Time Stored Level Whale Score
Mizore 103917 979 🐋🐋🐋🐋🐋🐋🐋
iMonstxrz 313495 979 💵💵💵
Cambr 38140 1167 💵💵💵
BaldaoMago 35742 609 💷💷
xMADARAx 15524 548 💷💷

Disagree (1)
Character Name Play Time Stored Level Whale Score
Dissa 418776 434 💵💵💵

Delete A.S. Achievement

"A.S. Achievement" Apagado

Agree (14)
Character Name Play Time Stored Level Whale Score
Rainho 153579 979 🐳🖨️💴💷💵💶💴💷💵💶
Tinkerbell 524553 979 🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦
OneForAll 63871 923 💰💰💰💰💰
Catsz 15059 977 💵💵💵
Skytalos 737 898 💵💵💵
Edna 522938 1072 💵💵💵
BaldaoMago 35742 609 💷💷
xMADARAx 15524 548 💷💷
Falha 142151 979 💷💷
Gunnr 524297 342 💴
Criminal 90613 253 💴
Alezinho 2303 160 💴
zBast 232364 345 🪙
Zagan 210961 981

Disagree (12)
Character Name Play Time Stored Level Whale Score
ShinySylveon 1761 521 🐳🖨️💴💷💵💶💴💷💵💶
Mizore 103917 979 🐋🐋🐋🐋🐋🐋🐋
EriickBK 524396 660 🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦
Medic 524347 1175 🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦
Panda 64915 775 💰💰💰💰💰
SenpaiLime 7831 524 💰💰💰💰💰
Arien 5572 974 💰💰💰💰💰
Lidojase 524358 981 💵💵💵
Cambr 38140 1167 💵💵💵
Dissa 418776 434 💵💵💵
WolfsHunter 524533 908 💴
zKiwer157 17275 1261 💴

Delete Golden Apple

Exclua a maçã dourada

Agree (9)
Character Name Play Time Stored Level Whale Score
Mizore 103917 979 🐋🐋🐋🐋🐋🐋🐋
EriickBK 524396 660 🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦
Arien 5572 974 💰💰💰💰💰
Suiyun 524515 1075 💵💵💵
Gosmenta 20878 976 💵💵💵
Cambr 38140 1167 💵💵💵
Edna 522938 1072 💵💵💵
BaldaoMago 35742 609 💷💷
xMADARAx 15524 548 💷💷

Disagree (7)
Character Name Play Time Stored Level Whale Score
Rainho 153579 979 🐳🖨️💴💷💵💶💴💷💵💶
Lidojase 524358 981 💵💵💵
Dissa 418776 434 💵💵💵
Baji 524344 324 💵💵💵
PrincesaDaLuz 6286 1359 💷💷
Falha 142151 979 💷💷
zBast 232364 345 🪙

Arrumar o jogo, para que não ocorra mais de tomar fatal….

Agree (1)
Character Name Play Time Stored Level Whale Score
BaldaoMago 35742 609 💷💷

Disagree (0)
Character Name Play Time Stored Level Whale Score

Yes - return to apple.

Sim - voltar para a maçã.

Agree (15)
Character Name Play Time Stored Level Whale Score
ShinySylveon 1761 521 🐳🖨️💴💷💵💶💴💷💵💶
Rainho 153579 979 🐳🖨️💴💷💵💶💴💷💵💶
zCarliNNN 68692 255 🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦
EriickBK 524396 660 🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦
Panda 64915 775 💰💰💰💰💰
MysticYuki 83060 1169 💰💰💰💰💰
OneForAll 63871 923 💰💰💰💰💰
Skyward 46 983 💵💵💵
Catsz 15059 977 💵💵💵
Dissa 418776 434 💵💵💵
xMADARAx 15524 548 💷💷
WolfsHunter 524533 908 💴
zKiwer157 17275 1261 💴
zBast 232364 345 🪙
Zagan 210961 981

Disagree (14)
Character Name Play Time Stored Level Whale Score
Mizore 103917 979 🐋🐋🐋🐋🐋🐋🐋
Tinkerbell 524553 979 🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦
Medic 524347 1175 🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦
Arien 5572 974 💰💰💰💰💰
Lidojase 524358 981 💵💵💵
StormArrow 101146 978 💵💵💵
Suiyun 524515 1075 💵💵💵
Gosmenta 20878 976 💵💵💵
Cambr 38140 1167 💵💵💵
Edna 522938 1072 💵💵💵
BaldaoMago 35742 609 💷💷
Falha 142151 979 💷💷
Criminal 90613 253 💴
Alezinho 2303 160 💴

No - do not return it to the apple

Não - não o devolva para a maçã

Agree (9)
Character Name Play Time Stored Level Whale Score
Mizore 103917 979 🐋🐋🐋🐋🐋🐋🐋
Tinkerbell 524553 979 🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦
Medic 524347 1175 🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦
Arien 5572 974 💰💰💰💰💰
Suiyun 524515 1075 💵💵💵
Cambr 38140 1167 💵💵💵
Edna 522938 1072 💵💵💵
BaldaoMago 35742 609 💷💷
Criminal 90613 253 💴

Disagree (8)
Character Name Play Time Stored Level Whale Score
Rainho 153579 979 🐳🖨️💴💷💵💶💴💷💵💶
Panda 64915 775 💰💰💰💰💰
Lidojase 524358 981 💵💵💵
Dissa 418776 434 💵💵💵
Falha 142151 979 💷💷
WolfsHunter 524533 908 💴
Alezinho 2303 160 💴
Zagan 210961 981

remova pergaminho iv da loja pepe coin 

Agree (8)
Character Name Play Time Stored Level Whale Score
Mizore 103917 979 🐋🐋🐋🐋🐋🐋🐋
EriickBK 524396 660 🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦
Arien 5572 974 💰💰💰💰💰
Gosmenta 20878 976 💵💵💵
Cambr 38140 1167 💵💵💵
Skytalos 737 898 💵💵💵
Baji 524344 324 💵💵💵
Edna 522938 1072 💵💵💵

Disagree (12)
Character Name Play Time Stored Level Whale Score
ShinySylveon 1761 521 🐳🖨️💴💷💵💶💴💷💵💶
Rainho 153579 979 🐳🖨️💴💷💵💶💴💷💵💶
OneForAll 63871 923 💰💰💰💰💰
Lidojase 524358 981 💵💵💵
Dissa 418776 434 💵💵💵
Oracle 9747 4317 💵💵💵
PrincesaDaLuz 6286 1359 💷💷
BaldaoMago 35742 609 💷💷
xMADARAx 15524 548 💷💷
Falha 142151 979 💷💷
Alezinho 2303 160 💴
zBast 232364 345 🪙